We're building tools and processes that help people achieve the results we truly desire in a collective and systematic way.
DetailsA 12-month program with group and individual work, co-creating and supporting each other's vision.
DetailsThis is our first year launching the visionaries series. No fees or charges for participants in our pilot project - read more below.
DetailsWe organize community-based programs and events with social, sporty, creative, or intellectual themes. Along with the fun, our activities are designed so kids and adults can experience and explore "big ideas" like strategy, community, confidence, happiness and more - in practical ways.
Our Visionaries program is geared towards 18+ year old participants who are interested in working on their own social/business vision. Still designed to be fun, this program - like a business - takes dedication and hard work.
Our Vision & StrategyThis program is focused on learning about, and collectively working on, the following six components:
Designing a vision with a clear and validated idea / market fit.
Exploring system influences and finding leverage to create the change you want.
Clearly defining problems you are capable of going to work on.
Building the right business system for you and your idea.
Learning how to design and automate repeatable processes.
Choosing the right tools to launch & manage your social/business project.
We facilitate a collective approach to designing and launching a social/business idea. This isn't an incubator or accelerator. We're not a fast-track to investment. We have nothing against those kinds of programs or business models, we're just interested in a different approach.
This program is more about collective design. That diverse groups of people working "independently together" can be just as good (or better) than experts.
This is about building a lifestyle business. About taking time to design and validate something people truly value and will actually pay for. It's about doing that in a way that is either something you LOVE doing, or something that separates time from money so you can scale one without the other.
This is for all the "non-preneurs" out there who have an idea you believe in, without the desire to work 90 hours a week risking everything for one thing.
We'll take a look at different kinds of business models, a few success and failure stories, with a high-level overview of the six components we will be working on together over the course of a year.
We'll explore the value and intent behind a vision (and a shared or collective vision). The key question we are asking: "How do we build, refine and validate an idea?"
Over the next thirty days, you'll put time in to define and validate your idea with guidance from us and support from the group.
We'll present the results of our work to the group and get people's ideas, feedback and general experience of working on their own vision.
While the vision continues to shift and take shape, we turn our attention to learning how to examine the systems that our ideas intend to create a change in. (social change, people's decisions on where they spend their time and money, etc).
Over the rest of the month, you will work independently and in groups to try and define the systems, key influences, and elements you have the best chance at having an impact on.
We'll review the results of the last month and then dig into our vision a little bit more, this time exploring the idea of branding.
We spend our time together breaking down the key elements of branding and positioning to look for the best ways to promote our ideas.
Following the same pattern of independent work for the rest of month, you'll spend time designing, testing, improving your branding and positioning.
We present the results of our month spent thinking about brands and positioning. Like our vision, this may be something that takes multiple iterations to get "right".
With an understanding of our vision, system and brand in place, we'll take a look at creating a good strategy. Most "strategic plans" are not very good. We'll dig into understanding the kernal of a good strategy, why it's important, and how to build one.
Over the course of the next month, you'll work on clearly articulating the problems you're capable of going to work on, along with the clear and cohesive activities to solve them.
After presenting and reviewing the results of your strategic planning, we'll bring your vision, systems model, brand, and strategic plan together in a business model.
A business model is essentially a blueprint for how you (and your team) generate profit by delivering a solution (product, service, etc) to paying customers. We'll look at different kinds of business models and how to build them.
Over the course of the next month, you'll work on putting everything you've designed together into a business model. As with every month, this will be independent work with support from us and voluntary group work with other participants.
After presenting and reviewing our business models, we will spend a little bit more time than usual in our results and feedback portion of the day to explore everyone's 'business system'.
We'll break down key processes in the system (for example, how you develop your product or service, how you find customers, how you sell to customers in your "sales pipeline") and discuss ways of optimizing and automating some of those processes.
Your indepenend work for the rest of the month will be looking at your core processes and ways to optimize and automate them, either with tools that exist or by finding ways to "codify" new processes you may be creating.
Month seven is the last month we spend designing anything "new". In this final month of design, we'll take a deep dive into how we measure key indicators to make better decisions.
The most successful businesses are notoriously good at making data-driven decisions – often with diverse group of people helping make sense of the information on hand. We'll look at indicator frameworks, explore why they matter, how they work and how to create and use them.
Your independent work over the next 30 days will involve looking at different indicator frameworks, key performance and results indicators, and coming up with a first draft of your own indicator framework.
Month eight is the last session we have before we launch our projects. Every person will give an "unrehearsed" pitch - a short, 3-5 minute presention on their idea.
We'll spend the rest of our time together talking about what the next four months look like as everyone puts the first iteration of their idea out to the public.
Your work, from this point on, is to do outreach, connect with people, partners, your team, potential and existing customers, get their feedback and work to continually improve your vision, models, processes and positioning.
For the last four months, we'll meet and have more informal or "member-led" discussions based on people's experiences, challenges, opportunities and failures.
What we work on together depends on what you need most. We'll bring in entrepreneurs, we'll help develop content, tools, websites, processes, whatever you need that we're able to provide, to help your idea grow.
Your work from here-on in is to validate and grow your business. We, and the people you've worked with through the entire year, are here to help and support you as you grow your business.
We are focused on grades 1-3 this year but are open to exceptions on a case by case basis. See contact information below. Sign up is on a first come, first serve basis. We currently have spots for 15 people with potential to expand to max 30.
The sessions will be overseen by Marco DeLuca (head coach) and one volunteer per 15 children. We are also hoping to have some special “guest stars” from local clubs come out for one or two sessions. Interested in being a volunteer coach? Contact us!
The sessions are open for parents to volunteer & participate - everyone gets to play! If you’re interested in volunteering please contact us. Any volunteer who is (a) not a parent/guardian accompanying their own children or (b) who may be supervising other people’s children will be subject to criminal background checks.
A minimum of one of the volunteers on duty at all times will have up-to-date certifications in standard First Aid, CPR Level C and AED. You will be required to keep us up-to-date on all medical or dietary issues in the registration process. You are also required to provide two emergency contacts. We adhere to the OCDSB’s health and safety policies and procedures. You can read more about them here.
There are four ways to get involved: