If you want to find or provide a local service, engage people in discussion, start a community group, just find ways to spend more time with family and friends - we're here to help.
Dr. Shannon Bainbridge is an Associate Professor in the Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences at the University of Ottawa with cross appointment to the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine and affiliate investigator status at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI).
Business designer, developer and occasional soccer/hockey coach with a background in business, a degree in Philosophy and 20+ years starting and growing social/business projects.
Erica is a community organizer, program developer and head of our After School Care program. She has a degree in Sports Management and 8+ years "on the job training" as a busy working mom!
A full time teacher with the OCSB and a degree in education, science, Doug provides guidance and support on our program development and helps coach our sports programs.
Jules is an author and RMT at CranialWaves. She provides insight and guidance on the creative, sports and health-related aspects of our programs.
Eric Milligan is a lawyer and chairman of Delsys, a consulting firm in Ottawa. He provides insight and guidance on programming related to systems and strategic thinking.
Phil is an entrepreneur and RMT at CranialWaves. He provides insight and guidance on the sports and health-related aspects of our programs.
More profiles coming soon!
There are four ways to get involved: