How We Work

We help design, deliver and distribute the content and tools people need to run programs and events tailored to their interests and their community.

Find fun, thoughtful and active programs and events right in your backyard.

There are amazing people in your community who have knowledge and skills to share. Spaces like school gyms, libraries and parks available to use. Put those together and you get awesome programs and activities near you, run by people who care about creating safe, fun and meaninful experiences.

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Run programs and events in your community at a high ROI for your time.

Wehther you want to start your own program or run one we've developed, you can make good money having fun with your family and friends doing stuff you love without worrying about business admin.

We "codify" programs so people have more fun, safe, and thoughtful activities in their community.

We take "high demand" activities (like after school programs) that can be run in community spaces (like school gyms) and make it easy for people in your community (like a soccer mom or dad) to run them. We constantly improve the curriculum, business admin and processes to ensure programs are safe, fun and effective everytime and everwhere they are run.

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We have deeper learning and thoughtful, social experiences in mind.

Our programs have an underlying framework meant to help people at all ages experience and develop skills and tools – like strategic thinking. We want to kindle the idea that we are more than people who work to earn a living. We are visionaries, builders, explorers and problem solvers capable of expanding our capacity to create the results we truly desire.

Here's Why
How We Work

Systems Model

Systems Model

Business Model

Business Model

Indicator Framework

Indicator Framework

Features & Benefits

Easier, Faster To Get Started

Launch programs in your community faster, with less risk and cost, using content, curriculum and processes that work.

Content & Curriculum

We have content and curriculum for programs that we've tested and continually improve. Use and customize our programs to meet the needs of you and your community.

Program Design

We're here to help design new programs and activities in a variety of disciplines. From child care to fitness, social innovation, community & business development, we can help.

Pilot Projects

We pilot new programs in our communities first. The results, including participant input, helps us validate the demand, assess the impact, and find ways to make them easier to deliver.

"Near Zero" Business Administration

We provide the "digital infrastructure" to run a program or service so you can focus on the unique and personal asepcts of delivering them.

Market Validation

We provide a quick and easy path to validate interest in your program is getting the concept and content out there to see who signs up.

Marketing Automation

Once programs are running, we are measuring and improving how your program gets found and converts people to members.

Payment Processing

We make it easy for people to register, subscribe, pay for programs or dropin fees and transfer the profits to your bank account every week.

Check In & Logistics

The safety and security of kids and all participants is of fundamental importance - from drop off to pickup. Being parents ourselves, we've seen how crazy and chaotic dropoffs and pickups can be. We use processes to let you you know who is checked in and out, by whom, when it happens.


In addition to notifications to parents and guardians, we make sure people in your community know where and when a program is coming up in the next few days, any changes to an existing schedule, reminders of what to bring, if there are room for drop ins, and more.

Member Engagement

Our goal is to keep people engaged - in their community, in your program, in other SpaceToPlay programs and events that we know are focused on people having more fun, thoughtful, and engaging time, together.

A Lifestyle Business with Potential to Scale

The idea behind community-based programming is about keeping the day-to-day simple, easy and fun to manage. For us, the path to scale is in the codification of your unique ideas and processes. Let your ideas earn you money.


This simply means turning your ideas – content, curriculum, processes and more – into a "digital package" that makes it easy to manage, customize, measure, improve and distribute to other people so they can run similar programs in their community.

Distribution & Digital Spaces

As designers of social AND software programs, we are always exploring ways to connect knowledge and experiences through digital spaces. Our goal is to help create, manage and transfer knowledge across time and space to help solve similar problems in different situations.

A Community Of Practice

To us, a community-based program is a lifestyle a business. Instead of opening up another business incubator or yoga studio, it's a way to do something local, smaller scale, less complicated (even if it deals with a complicated issue). What if we spent less time and money doing things we truly enjoyed, together?

Join the Space To Play Community

There are four ways to get involved:


Have an idea, a space, a skill or service you want to provide?

Contact Us


Want to pilot a project or program in your community/space?

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Looking for a program or event for you or your kids?

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Help us build a scalable, sustainable & profitable social business!

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A space to play, think and explore together.